Ok, so here we go. I’ve been getting a ton of requests to be able to contribute to the team – especially since COVID hit. And some have already donated. Nothing official has ever been in place, but due to the growing enthusiasm, I figured now would be a good time to put something in place.
Your YMCA fees cover the pool/gym time, and possibly the coach wages. Your US Masters memberships covers insurance, your personal page on the national website (make sure you engage with that – it will become a great tool!), SWIMMERS magazine, our local chapter PSM which is a great umbrella for us, and other things like that. But your US Masters fees has nothing to do with our local team’s funding needs. Historically, myself and Katy have just picked up the extra bills, and we were always happy to do it, and we still are! So know this is only for those who would really like to contribute, and now will have an easier path of doing so.
First, here are the things that require funding: Our team website and URL, our yearly swim group fee towards US Masters, printing materials, signage, awards, prizes, treats, caps and other swag. Not a huge list, but I suppose it does add up after a while. Unfortunately website hosting has gone up a lot over the last few years due to price hiking, but for the most part the team is not a super expensive thing to keep running due to being community based. Also, we do sponsored events/swag sometimes too. The newest Bernardo wrist bands are funded by my personal business GreySlade Media. I often leave my logo on things I’ve done in my media studio – like the website for instance. And we are definitely looking for other sponsors now too!
So here’s how to contribute. I prefer online routes over cash as there will always be an easy-to-follow trail:
Venmo: @GreySlade (Most preferred)
PayPal: greyslade@hotmail.com (only if you don’t used Venmo – they charge fees and I don’t check it as often)
Cash: Not the best method. Use only if its a few bucks or something.
Checks: Really? Ok, fine.
I’m not sure what will happen once this all gets going, but I might need help in the accounting department if numbers reach a point where I feel good record keeping is required. Volunteers? And creating a board is also not out of the question. I do love casual simplicity however, but I’m open to all ideas at this point.
Other valuable ways to contribute:
Time! Time is precious, so if you don’t want to contribute with money, but still want to contribute – helping out with events and practices is always appreciated so much!
Stuff! Treats for events and practices, prizes, giveaways, etc. (I heard there might be an amazing Hell Week raffle prize this year!)
So that’s it for now. I’ll send this email out once every 2 months, and I’m sure it will probably evolve like everything swimming related these days.
Thank you very much for all the interest from our team concerning helping out. It means a lot to us. Whatever comes in, we’ll just put it right back in the team which will allow for better and more memorable experiences. But if it doesn’t, well make it happen anyway.
Questions, comments, concerns? Hit me up ok? 253-332-5985